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Matching a Log Against Each Event Definition

Each Event Definition contains a filter which is comprised of a number of criteria that must be found in all matching logs. The criteria are divided by product: The Event Definition can include a number of different products, but each product has its own criterion.

Event Definition Criteria

To match the Event Definition "A", a log from Endpoint Security must match the Action, Event Type, Port, and Protocol values listed in the Endpoint Security column. A log from a Security Gateway must match the values listed in its column.

SmartEvent divides this procedure into two steps. The SmartEvent Correlation Unit first checks if the Product value in the log matches one of the permitted Product values of an Event Definition.

If Log 1 did not contain a permitted Product value, the SmartEvent Correlation Unit compares the log against Event Definition "B", and so on. If the log fails to match against an Event Definition, it is discarded.

The SmartEvent Correlation Unit checks if the log contains the Product-specific criteria to match the Event Definition. For example: The product Endpoint Security generates logs that involve the Firewall, Spyware, Malicious Code Protection, and others. The log contains this information in the field Event Type. If an event is defined to match on Endpoint Security logs with the event type Firewall, an Endpoint Security log with Event Type "Spyware" fails against the Event Definition filter. Other criteria can be specified to the Product.

In our example, Log 1 matched Event Definition "A" with a permitted product value. The SmartEvent Correlation Unit examines if the log contains the necessary criteria for an Endpoint Security log to match.

Comparing Log Details with Event Definition

If the criteria do not match, the SmartEvent Correlation Unit continues to compare the log criteria to other event definitions.