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Configuring DHCP Relay on the Security Gateway - Gaia Portal

Use the Portal to enable BOOTP/DHCP Relay on each interface. If the interface is enabled for relay, you can set up a number of servers to which to forward BOOTP/DHCP requests.

To enable BOOTP/DHCP relay on an Interface

  1. Open the Advanced Routing > DHCP Relay page of the Portal.
  2. Click Add.

    The Add BOOTP/DHCP Relay window opens.

  3. Select an Interface on which you want to enable BOOTP/DHCP.
  4. Optional: Enter values for one or more of these parameters:
    • Primary Address
    • Wait Time
  5. Define the IPv4 address of each relay to which you want to forward BOOTP/DHCP requests. For each relay:
    1. Click Add
    2. In the Add Relay window, enter the IPv4 address of the relay
    3. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.

To disable BOOTP/DHCP relay on an interface

  1. Open the Advanced Routing > DHCP Relay page of the Portal.
  2. Select an interface.
  3. Click Delete.

Configuring DHCP Relay on the Security Gateway - Gaia Clish (bootp)

Use these commands to configure BOOTP properties for specific interfaces:

set bootp interface <if_name>

primary <ip_address> wait-time <0-65535> on

relay-to <ip_address> {on | off}





primary <ip_address> wait-time <0-65535> on

The ip_address to stamp as the gateway address on all BOOTP requests.

The wait-time value is the minimum seconds to wait before forwarding a BOOTP request. A client-generated BOOTP request includes the elapsed time after the client began to boot. The BOOTP relay does not forward the request until the indicated elapsed time at least equals the specified wait time. This delay lets a local configuration server reply, before it relays to a remote server.

relay-to <ip_address> {on | off}

The DHCP server IP address, to which BOOTP requests are forwarded. You can specify more than one DHCP server.


Disables BOOTP on the specified interface.

Note - For ClusterXL members, set the value of the fwx_dhcp_relay_nat kernel parameter to 0 on each cluster member. Follow the instructions in sk26202.

To enable IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP Relay on an Interface:

  1. Connect to the command line.
  2. Log in to Gaia Clish.
  3. Configure the interface, on which you want to enable IPv4 DHCP Relay:

    set bootp interface <Name of Interface> on

  4. Configure the IPv4 address of each relay, to which you want to forward IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP requests:

    set bootp interface <Name of Interface> relay-to <Destination IPv4 Address> on

  5. Optional: Configure values for one or more of these parameters:
    • Primary Address
    • Wait Time
    • Maximum Hops

    set bootp interface <Name of Interface>

    maxhopcount {<1-16> | default}

    primary {<IPv4 Address of Interface> | default} wait-time {<1-65535> | default} on

  6. Save the configuration:

    save config

To disable an IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP Relay destination on an interface:

  1. Connect to the command line.
  2. Log in to Gaia Clish.
  3. Disable the IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP Relay destination on the interface:

    set bootp interface <Name of Interface> relay-to <Destination IPv4 Address> off

  4. Save the configuration:

    save config

To disable IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP Relay completely on an interface:

  1. Connect to the command line.
  2. Log in to Gaia Clish.
  3. Disable the IPv4 BOOTP/DHCP Relay on the interface:

    set bootp interface <Name of Interface> off

  4. Save the configuration:

    save config