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Monitoring IGMP (show igmp)

Use these commands to monitor and troubleshoot IGMP:

show igmp


stats receive

stats transmit

stats error


interfaces <if_address>

groups [interface <logical_interface>] [local | static]

group <if_address>


if-stat <if_address>


IGMP commands summary

SET commands:

Note - Enter set igmp [Esc][Esc].

set igmp interface VALUE default

set igmp interface VALUE last-member-query-interval VALUE

set igmp interface VALUE local-group VALUE off

set igmp interface VALUE local-group VALUE on

set igmp interface VALUE loss-robustness VALUE

set igmp interface VALUE query-interval VALUE

set igmp interface VALUE query-response-interval VALUE

set igmp interface VALUE router-alert VALUE

set igmp interface VALUE static-group VALUE off

set igmp interface VALUE static-group VALUE on

set igmp interface VALUE version VALUE

SHOW commands:

Note - Enter show igmp [Esc][Esc].

show igmp groups interface VALUE

show igmp groups interface VALUE local

show igmp groups interface VALUE static

show igmp groups local

show igmp groups static

show igmp if-stat VALUE

show igmp if-stats

show igmp interface VALUE

show igmp interfaces

show igmp stats

show igmp stats error

show igmp stats receive

show igmp stats transmit

show igmp summary