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Advanced Routing Options - Multithreading

Routing Daemon (routed) multithreading increases the daemon's responsiveness of monitoring operations during heavy traffic load.

Configuring Multithreading - Gaia Portal

  1. In the Gaia Portal, go to the Advanced Routing > Routing Options page.
  2. In the Advanced Router Options area, select Multithreading.
  3. Click Apply at the top of the page.

Configuring Multithreading - Gaia Clish

To turn on Multithreading:

  1. Run: set router-options multithreading on
  2. Run: save config

To turn off Multithreading:

  1. Run: set router-options multithreading off
  2. Run: save config

To show the state of the Multithreading option:

Run: show router-options