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Kernel Options - Kernel Routes

Route Injection Mechanism (RIM) enables a Security Gateway to use dynamic routing protocols to propagate the encryption domain of a VPN peer Security Gateway to the internal network and then initiate back connections. When a VPN tunnel is created, RIM updates the local routing table of the Security Gateway to include the encryption domain of the VPN peer.

In Gaia, the Route Injection Mechanism adds routes directly to the kernel. For the routes to remain in the Kernel, you must configure this option.

For more about configuring RIM, see the R80.30 Site to Site VPN Administration Guide.

Configuring Kernel Routes - Gaia Portal

  1. In the Gaia Portal, go to the Advanced Routing > Routing Options.
  2. In the Kernel Options area, select the Kernel Routes option.
  3. Click Apply at the top of the page.

Configuring Kernel Routes - Gaia Clish (kernel-routes)

  1. Run: set kernel-routes on
  2. Run: save config