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Advanced Routing Options - Wait for Clustering

In a clustering environment, Wait for Clustering has this effect:



The RouteD routing daemon



For ClusterXL clusters, use this setting.

  • Does not start the routing protocols if the cluster state is down.
  • Turns on the routing protocols after the cluster goes up.



Ignores the state of the cluster. The state of the routing protocols does not depend on the state of the cluster.

This is the default.

Important - Changing the setting of this option restarts the routed routing daemon.
This option is for ClusterXL clusters only.

Turn on this option with ClusterXL.

Configuring Wait for Clustering - Gaia Portal

To set the Wait for Clustering routing option in the Gaia Portal:

  1. In the Gaia Portal, go to the Advanced Routing > Routing Options.
  2. In the Advanced Router Options area, select Wait for Clustering.
  3. Click Apply at the top of the page.

Configuring Wait for clustering - Gaia Clish (router-options)

To turn on Wait for Clustering:

  1. Run: set router-options wait-for-clustering on
  2. Run: save config

To turn off Wait for Clustering:

  1. Run: set router-options wait-for-clustering off
  2. Run: save config

To show the state of the Wait for Clustering option:

Run: show router-options