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Interface - QoS

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Understanding QoS

Quality of Service is a set of intelligent network protocols and services that are used to efficiently manage the movement of information through a local or wide area networks. QoS services sort and classify flows into different traffic classes, and allocate resources to network traffic flows based on user or application ID, source or destination IP address, time of day, application specific parameters, and other user-specified variables. Fundamentally, QoS enables you to provide better service to certain flows. This is done by either raising the priority of a flow or limiting the priority of another flow.

A bandwidth management tool must be able to accurately classify communications. However, simply examining a packet in isolation does not provide all the information needed to make an informed decision. State information — derived from past communications and other applications — is also required. A packet's contents, the communication state and the application state (derived from other applications) must all be considered when making control decisions.