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VPN Communities - Shared Secret

What can I do here?

Use this window to configure a shared secret (password) between all externally and internally managed members of the VPN community that do not use certificates for authentication.

Getting Here

Getting Here - SmartConsole > Security Policies > Access Control > Policy > Access Tools > VPN Communities > New Star/Meshed Community > Shared Secret

Understanding Shared Secrets

IKE supports Shared Secret authentication as well as certificates. Internally managed gateways have at least one certificate - the VPN certificate issued by the Internal CA. When a VPN is established between two internally managed gateways, VPN enforces the use of certificates for authentication. In situations where an externally managed gateway does not have a certificate, Shared Secret authentication is used.

Externally managed peer gateways that use Shared Secret authentication are listed in the window's table. To edit the shared secret, select the peer gateway and click the edit button. The same Shared Secret is used between the externally managed gateway and all the internally managed gateways.