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Sessions - View Sessions

What can I do here?

You can see a list of connected user sessions and, optionally, disconnect user sessions. You can filter the sessions shown by:

Use this window to see which administrator accounts are connected to the Security Management Server. You can also disconnect an account.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Manage & Settings > Sessions


SmartConsole for Multi-Domain Server > Multi Domain > Sessions

Working in SmartConsole Session View

The Session view shows all unpublished sessions in the system. The view shows the sessions of the current administrator, sessions of other administrators and sessions from other applications. The columns in the view can be customized and show the session owner, name, description, connection mode, number of private changes, number of locks, application and other values.

To see session information, click Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions.

Actions available to administrators on private sessions are determined by the Manage Sessions permission on their profile.

Administrators without the Manage Session permission can:

Administrators with the Manage Session Permission can:

  • Publish and discard their own sessions
  • See sessions opened by other administrators, the number the locks they have and number of changes they have made
  • Take over sessions created by applications, for example sessions created by the API command line tool
  • Publish and discard their own sessions
  • See sessions opened by other administrators, the number the locks they have and number changes they have made
  • Publish & Disconnect the private sessions of other administrators
  • Disconnect & Discard the private sessions of other administrators
  • Disconnect another administrator's private session
  • Take over sessions created by applications, for example sessions created by the API command line tool
  • Take over the private sessions of other administrators.

    Note: If you want to keep changes made in your own private session, publish these changes before you take over the session of another administrator. If you do not publish your changes, you will lose them. When you take over, you disconnect the other administrator's SmartConsole session.

  • Publish & Disconnect the private sessions of other administrators. The action applies to both SmartConsole sessions and command line API sessions.
  • Disconnect the private session of other administrators
  • Discard & Disconnect the private session of other administrators


Working with Database Revisions

To see saved database versions:

In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Revisions.

To see the changes made during a specific revision:

  1. In the Manage & Settings > Revisions window, select revision.

    The bottom pane shows the audit logs of the changes made in the revision.

  2. Optional: Click View.

    A separate read-only SmartConsole session opens.

To delete all versions of the database that are older than the selected version:

  1. In the Manage & Settings > Revisions window, select a revision.
  2. Click Purge.
  3. In the confirmation window that opens, click Yes.

    Important - Deletion is irreversible. When you purge, that revision and older revisions are deleted permanently.