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Use this window to specify what CVP inspection to perform on the TCP connection of the service that uses this Resource.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Object Explorer > New > Resource > TCP > Type: CVP. Move to CVP window

TCP Resource Properties - CVP

The CVP Server checks files one packet at a time. After the CVP Server has inspected the whole file, it sends a Validation Result message to the security server. If the Validation Result is that the file is approved, the security server sends the file back to the Inspection module, which sends the file on to the client.


Select the CVP server from the drop-down menu. The CVP server must already be defined as an OPSEC Application.

Tell me about the fields...

CVP Server is allowed to modify content should be checked if the designated CVP Server can inspect and repair the message string. CVP servers cannot modify binary files, so if the resource matches on *.exe, you may want to prevent the CVP server modifying it, and just drop it. If you choose not to allow the CVP server to modify content, and the CVP server finds a problem (such as a virus), the TCP connection will not be allowed.

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