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Domain - Trusted Clients

What can I do here?

Use this window to select SmartConsole clients trusted to manage the domain.

To create a trusted client, see: Trusted Clients

Getting Here

Getting Here - SmartConsole for Multi-Domain Server > MDS > Domains > New > Domain > Trusted Clients

Assigning Trusted Clients to Domains

You must assign all Domains to one or more trusted SmartConsole clients before you can connect to them. If you do not do this, an error message will show when you try to connect.

Each Domain assignment identifies trusted SmartConsole clients based on one of these criteria:

To assign a trusted client to a Domain:

  1. Connect to the Multi-Domain Server with SmartConsole
  2. Select Multi-Domain > Permissions & Administrators > Trusted Clients.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the New Trusted Client window, enter a unique name for this Domain assignment.
  5. Select an identification criterion from the Type list and enter the applicable information.
  6. Add one or more Domains to the Domain Assignment list.
  7. Optional: Select Multi-Domain Server Trusted Client to apply this assignment to Multi-Domain Servers in addition to the specified Domains.

To add another Domain to an existing trusted client:

  1. Select Multi-Domain > Permissions & Administrators > Trusted Clients.
  2. Double-click the trusted client name.
  3. In the Trusted Client window, add one or more Domains to the Domains Assignment list.

To change a Domain assignment:

  1. Select Multi-Domain > Permissions & Administrators > Trusted Clients.
  2. Double-click an existing trusted client name.
  3. Select an identification criterion from the Type list and enter or change the applicable information.
  4. Add or delete one or more Domains in the Domain Assignment list.
  5. Optional: Select Multi-Domain Server Trusted Client to apply this assignment to Multi-Domain Servers in addition to the specified Domains.