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FTP - Match (Wildcards)

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Use this window to configure how the FTP Resource is matched.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Object Explorer > New > Resource > FTP - Match Wildcards

FTP - Match Wildcard Options

Resource Path

Refers to a location on the FTP server. It is possible to allow downloads from a certain location on the server, but not others.

The file path name must include the directory separator character "/". For example, the request "/myfile" is matched to "/<current directory>/myfile". If the Resource path name specifies only "myfile", then the request will not be matched.

When using wildcard characters for the Path, you must specify either the full path name, or use the directory separator in the wildcard expression. For example, the path name "*/myfile" will match "myfile" in all possible directories.

Path includes the file name (which can include wildcard characters). For example: "/boys/fred/*" includes all the files in the /boys/fred/ directory, and "/boys/fred/" does not include any of the files in the /boys/fred/ directory. If /boys/fred were a file, it would be included in "/boys/fred/".

Note - Only lower case characters are allowed.

Resource Matching Method