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Web Server Protections

What can I do here?

Use this window to configure web server protections.

Enforcement of these protections is dependent upon the IPS profile that protects the server.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Object Explorer > New > Host > Servers > Select Web Server > Web Server > Protections

Web Security

Select a protection to apply it to the Web server. For those protections which can be configured, click Advanced to configure the protection's behavior.

The more information about the protections that can be applied specifically to a web server object, see:

Monitor-Only Per Web Server

All protections on a particular web server can be set to Detect-only. This makes it possible to put a new web server in place and investigate which protections it needs, while ensuring that connectivity is maintained.

To configure Detect-only per web server, use the Check Point Database Tool (see sk13009). Using GuiDBedit, search for the web server name, and then look for the field web_server_monitor_only and set it to true.