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Working with Queries

Running Queries

Click next to the search query definition field to see the query Options.

To run a query:

Click Favorites in query options, and select a predefined or custom query.

Click Refresh. (F5)

Enter or select the query.

Click in the Query Definition field and select a recent query.

To create a query:

  1. Click in the Query Definition field.
  2. Enter or select criteria.

    The query runs automatically. As you add more criteria, results are updated dynamically.

To run a query again:

Click Refresh. (F5)


Enter or select the query.

To activate auto-refresh:

Click Auto Refresh. (F6)


Auto refresh shows new logs every 2 seconds.

Configuring Query Defaults

You can use the Query Settings to:

To define the default query:

  1. Go to Menu > Tools > Query Settings.

    The Query Settings window opens.

  2. Enter a query (using the query syntax) in the Default Query field.

    Tip: Select a query or Define a query in the Query Definition field. Then copy and paste it into the Default Query field.

    If no default query is specified, Log View runs the All Records query.

  3. Click OK.

To configure the Top Results:

  1. Go to Menu > Tools > Query Settings.

    The Query Settings window opens.

  2. In the Maximum top results field, enter the number of results to show (default =10).
  3. In the Show top results after field, enter the time interval allocated for calculation of top results (default=10 seconds).
  4. To get top results from Multi-Domain Log Server and multiple Log Servers:
    1. Select Show top results from Multi-Domain Log Server and multiple Log Servers.
    2. Enter the maximum number of Simultaneous connections to Log Servers (default=3).

    Note - top results are collected from all Log Servers in groups of size configured in Simultaneous connections.

  5. Click OK.

Working with the Favorites List

The Favorites list lets you work with predefined and saved custom queries. The predefined queries are organized into folders by Software Blade. You can add new queries to existing folder or create new folders hold them.

You can do these actions with the Favorites list:

In this version, you cannot move a query from one folder to a different folder.

To add a folder to the Favorites list:

  1. From the Favorites menu, select Add to Favorites.
  2. In the Add to Favorites window, enter a name for the new query.

    The query criteria show in the Query field.

  3. Select a folder from the list or click Create a New Folder.
  4. Click Add.

You can use folders to help you organize custom queries into logical groups. Folders can be created inside of other folders.

You can also do this procedure while adding a new query to the favorites list.

To create a new folder:

  1. From the Favorites menu, select Add to Favorites.
  2. In the Add to Favorites window, click the Folder list.
  3. Select Create a New Folder from the list.
  4. In the Create a Folder window, enter a name for the new folder.
  5. Select a folder to contain the new folder.
  6. Click Add.

Deleting a Folder

You can delete folders that are no longer necessary.

Important - When you delete a folder, you also delete any queries included in that folder. We recommend that you carefully look at folder contents before deleting it. In this release, you cannot move a query from one folder to a different one.

To delete a folder:

  1. From the Favorites menu, select Organize Favorites.
  2. In the Organize Favorites folder, select the folder to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Close.

Creating Custom Queries

Queries can include one or more criteria. You can create custom queries using one or a combination of these basic procedures:

A good way to create a new custom query is to run an existing query and then use one of these procedures to change it. You can save the new query in the Favorites list.

When you create complex queries, Log View suggests, or automatically enters, an appropriate Boolean operator. This can be an implied AND operator, which does not explicitly show.

Selecting Query Fields

You can enter query criteria directly from the Query search bar.

To select field criteria from the Query search bar:

  1. If you are starting a new query, remove query definitions: click Clear
  2. Put the cursor in the Query search bar.
  3. Select a criterion from the drop-down list or enter the criteria in the Query search bar.

The query runs automatically.

Selecting Criteria from Grid Columns

You can use the column headings in the Grid view to select query criteria. This option is not available in the Table view.

To select query criteria from grid columns:

  1. In the Results pane, right-click on a column heading.
  2. Select Add Filter.
  3. Select or enter the filter criteria.
    The criteria show in the Query search bar and the query runs automatically.

You can continue to enter more criteria using this or other procedures.

Manually Entering Query Criteria

You can always type query criteria directly in the Query Definition field. You can manually create a new query or make changes to an existing query that shows in the Query Definition field.

As you type, Log View helps you by showing recently used query criteria or even complete queries. To use these suggestions, simply select them from the drop down list. If you make a syntax error in a query, Log View shows a helpful error message that identifies the error and suggests a solution.