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Contains SecureXL statistics for multicast traffic.

Note - This is the same information that the fwaccel stats -m command shows.

Syntax for IPv4

[Expert@MyGW:0]# ls -lR /proc/ppk/


[Expert@MyGW:0]# cat /proc/ppk/mcast_statistics


[Expert@MyGW:0]# cat /proc/ppk/<SecureXL Instance ID>/mcast_statistics

Syntax for IPv6

[Expert@MyGW:0]# ls -lR /proc/ppk6/


[Expert@MyGW:0]# cat /proc/ppk6/mcast_statistics


[Expert@MyGW:0]# cat /proc/ppk6/<SecureXL Instance ID>/mcast_statistics

Example for IPv4

[Expert@MyGW:0]# cat /proc/ppk/mcast_statistics

Name Value Name Value

-------------------- --------------- -------------------- ---------------

in packets 0 out packets 0

if restricted 0 conns with down if 0

f2f packets 0 f2f bytes 0

dropped packets 0 dropped bytes 0

accel packets 0 accel bytes 0

mcast conns 0
