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Example: fwaccel stats

Example of the default output:

fwaccel stats


Name Value Name Value

---------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------


Accelerated Path


accel packets 0 accel bytes 0

outbound packets 0 outbound bytes 0

conns created 0 conns deleted 0

C total conns 0 C TCP conns 0

C non TCP conns 0 nat conns 0

dropped packets 0 dropped bytes 0

fragments received 0 fragments transmit 0

fragments dropped 0 fragments expired 0

IP options stripped 0 IP options restored 0

IP options dropped 0 corrs created 0

corrs deleted 0 C corrections 0

corrected packets 0 corrected bytes 0


Accelerated VPN Path


C crypt conns 0 enc bytes 0

dec bytes 0 ESP enc pkts 0

ESP enc err 0 ESP dec pkts 0

ESP dec err 0 ESP other err 0

espudp enc pkts 0 espudp enc err 0

espudp dec pkts 0 espudp dec err 0

espudp other err 0


Medium Streaming Path


CPASXL packets 0 PSLXL packets 0

CPASXL async packets 0 PSLXL async packets 0

CPASXL bytes 0 PSLXL bytes 0

C CPASXL conns 0 C PSLXL conns 0

CPASXL conns created 0 PSLXL conns created 0

PXL FF conns 0 PXL FF packets 0

PXL FF bytes 0 PXL FF acks 0

PXL no conn drops 0


Inline Streaming Path


PSL Inline packets 0 PSL Inline bytes 0

CPAS Inline packets 0 CPAS Inline bytes 0


QoS Paths


QoS General Information:


Total QoS Conns 0 QoS Classify Conns 0

QoS Classify flow 0 Reclassify QoS policy 0


FireWall QoS Path:


Enqueued IN packets 0 Enqueued OUT packets 0

Dequeued IN packets 0 Dequeued OUT packets 0

Enqueued IN bytes 0 Enqueued OUT bytes 0

Dequeued IN bytes 0 Dequeued OUT bytes 0


Accelerated QoS Path:


Enqueued IN packets 0 Enqueued OUT packets 0

Dequeued IN packets 0 Dequeued OUT packets 0

Enqueued IN bytes 0 Enqueued OUT bytes 0

Dequeued IN bytes 0 Dequeued OUT bytes 0


Firewall Path


F2F packets 35324 F2F bytes 1797781

TCP violations 0 F2V conn match pkts 0

F2V packets 0 F2V bytes 0




gtp tunnels created 0 gtp tunnels 0

gtp accel pkts 0 gtp f2f pkts 0

gtp spoofed pkts 0 gtp in gtp pkts 0

gtp signaling pkts 0 gtp tcpopt pkts 0

gtp apn err pkts 0




memory used 38798784 C tcp handshake conns 0

C tcp established conns 0 C tcp closed conns 0

C tcp pxl handshake conns 0 C tcp pxl established conns 0

C tcp pxl closed conns 0 outbound cpasxl packets 0

outbound pslxl packets 0 outbound cpasxl bytes 0

outbound pslxl bytes 0 DNS DoR stats 0


(*) Statistics marked with C refer to current value, others refer to total value