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fw ctl multik start


Starts all CoreXL FW instances on-the-fly, if they were stopped with the fw ctl multik stop command.

Syntax for IPv4

fw ctl multik start

Syntax for IPv6

fw6 ctl multik start


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl multik stat

ID | Active | CPU | Connections | Peak


0 | No | - | 6 | 13

1 | No | - | 3 | 11

2 | No | - | 4 | 13


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl multik start

Instance 1 started (2 of 3 are active)


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl multik start

Instance 2 started (3 of 3 are active)


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl multik stat

ID | Active | CPU | Connections | Peak


0 | Yes | 3 | 5 | 13

1 | Yes | 2 | 4 | 11

2 | Yes | 1 | 4 | 13


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl multik start

All instances are already active
