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Kernel Debug Filters

By default, kernel debug output contains information about all processed connections.

You can configure filters for kernel debug to collect debug messages only for the applicable connections.

There are three types of debug filters:

To configure these kernel debug filters, assign the desired values to the applicable kernel parameters before you start the kernel debug. You assign the values to the applicable kernel parameters temporarily with the "fw ctl set" command.


To configure debug filter of the type "By connection tuple parameters":

The Security Gateway processes connections based on the 5-tuple:

This debug filter lets you filter by these tuple parameters:

Tuple Parameter

Syntax for Kernel Parameters

Source IP address

fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_saddr_<N> "<IPv4 or IPv6 Address>"

Source Ports

fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_sport_<N> <1-65535>

Destination IP address

fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_daddr_<N> "<IPv4 or IPv6 Address>"

Destination Ports

fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_dport_<N> <1-65535>

Protocol Number

fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_proto_<N> <0-254>


To configure debug filter of the type "By an IP address parameter":

This debug filter lets you filter by one IP address.

Syntax for Kernel Parameters:

fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_addr_<N> "<IPv4 or IPv6 Address>"


To configure debug filter of the type "By a VPN peer parameter":

This debug filter lets you filter by one IP address.

Syntax for Kernel Parameters:

fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_vpn_<N> "<IPv4 or IPv6 Address>"


To disable all debug filters:

You can disable all the configured debug filters of all types.

Syntax for Kernel Parameter:

fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_off 1

Usage Example

You need the kernel debug to show the information about the connection from Source IP address from any Source Port to Destination IP address to Destination Port 80 (<Any> -->

Run these commands before you start the kernel debug:

fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_off 1


fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_saddr_1 ""


fw ctl set str simple_debug_filter_daddr_2 ""


fw ctl set int simple_debug_filter_dport_1 80

Important - In the above example, the indexes <N> of the kernel parameters simple_debug_filter_saddr_<N> and simple_debug_filter_daddr_<N> are different, because we want the debug filter to match both directions of this connection.