To send HTTP server response to an ICAP server in RESPMOD, you can configure HTTP server status codes that the ICAP Client sends to the ICAP server.
By default, the ICAP Client sends server status codes 1xx or 2xx.
To configure the HTTP server status codes
You add the HTTP server status codes as values of the specific kernel parameter:
Item |
Description |
Name |
Type |
String |
Notes |
For general instructions, see Working with Kernel Parameters on Security Gateway.
To see the list of the configured HTTP server status codes
:# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
[Expert@GW:0]# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
[Expert@GW:0]# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
[fw6_0];icap_client_append_status_code: ==> new 'status code' array is: [ 1 ; 2 ;]
[fw4_0];icap_client_append_status_code: ==> new 'status code' array is: [ 1 ; 2 ;]
To add an HTTP server status code temporarily
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str 'N'
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str 'NN'
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str 'NNN'
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
[Expert@GW:0]# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '3'
[Expert@GW:0]# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
[Expert@GW:0]# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
[fw6_0];icap_client_append_status_code: ==> new 'status code' array is: [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ;]
[fw4_0];icap_client_append_status_code: ==> new 'status co
de' array is: [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ;]
To delete all configured HTTP server status codes temporarily
:# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str ''
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
[Expert@GW:0]# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str ''
[Expert@GW:0]# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
[Expert@GW:0]# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code
To restore the default configured HTTP server status codes temporarily
and '2'
:# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '1'
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '2'
# fw ctl set str icap_append_status_code_str '__print__'
# dmesg | grep icap_client_append_status_code