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Creating and Changing an Administrator Account

To successfully manage security for a large network, we recommend that you first set up your administrative team, and delegate tasks.

We recommend that you create administrator accounts in SmartConsole, with the procedure below or with the First Time Configuration Wizard.

If you create it through the SmartConsole, you can choose one of these authentication methods:

If you create an administrator through mdsconfig, the Check Point configuration tool, Check Point password is automatically configured

To create an administrator account using SmartConsole:

  1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.

    The Administrators pane shows by default.

  2. Click New Administrator.

    The New Administrators window opens.

  3. Enter a unique name for the administrator account.

    Note - This parameter is case-sensitive.

  4. Set the Authentication Method, or create a certificate, or the two of them.

    Note - If you do not do this, the administrator will not be able to log in to SmartConsole.

    To define an Authentication Method:

    In the Authentication Method section, select a method and follow the instructions in Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators.

    To create a Certificate - If you want to use a certificate to log in:

    In the Certificate Information section, click Create, and follow the instructions in Configuring Certificates for Administrators.

  5. Select a Permissions profile for this administrator, or create a new one.
  6. Set the account Expiration date:
    • For a permanent administrator - select Never
    • For a temporary administrator - select an Expire At date from the calendar

    The default expiration date shows, as defined in the Default Expiration Settings. After the expiration date, the account is no longer authorized to access network resources and applications.

  7. Optional: Configure Additional Info - Contact Details, Email and Phone Number of the administrator.
  8. Click OK.

To change an existing administrator account:

  1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
  2. Double-click an administrator account.

    The Administrators properties window opens.