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Push Operations

Push Operations are operations that the Endpoint Security Management Server pushes directly to client computers with no policy installation required.

These Push Operations are available:

From Reporting tab > Push Operations you can:

In the top pane:

In the Endpoint List:

See the results of the operations on each endpoint.

You can also start Push Operations from everywhere in the SmartEndpoint where an object is shown. This includes reports in the Reporting tab and in the Users and Computers tab.

Starting Push Operations

To start Push Operations from an object in the SmartEndpoint:

  1. Right-click an object (user or computer) and select a Software Blade, and then an operation.
  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to do the operation.
  3. Optional: Click Advanced Settings to use settings that are not the default.

To start Push Operations from Reporting > Push Operations:

  1. In Reporting > Push Operations, click Create new.
  2. Select a Software Blade and an operation.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select an OU, node, or computer to get the operation.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Configure the settings for the operation.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.

Push Operations Settings

Click Configure Defaults to configure the default settings for a selected operation. These settings will apply each time you run Push Operations and do not configure different settings.

Select the operation to configure.

For each operation you can configure:

For Anti-Malware Push Operations, see Anti-Malware Policy Actions for more information.