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Password Complexity and Security

These Actions define the requirements for user passwords for OneCheck User Settings:



Use Windows password complexity

The standard Windows password requirements are enforced:

The password must:

  • Have at least six characters
  • Have characters from at least 3 of these categories: uppercase, lowercase, numeric characters, symbols.

Use custom password complexity

If you select this, select the requirements for which type of characters the password must contain or not contain.

Double-click an action to edit the properties:



Use custom requirements

If you select this, select the requirements for which type of characters the password must contain or not contain:

  • Consecutive identical characters, for example, aa or 33
  • Require special characters. These can be: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : < = > ? @ {
  • Require digits, for example 8 or 4.
  • Require lower case characters, for example g or t.
  • Require upper case characters, for example F or G.
  • Password must not contain user name or full name.

Minimum length of password

Enter the minimum number of characters for a valid password.

Password can be changed only after

Enter the minimum number of days that a password must be valid before the user can change it.

Password expires after

Enter the maximum number of days that a password can be valid before the user must change it.

Number of passwords

Enter the minimum number of password changes needed before a previously used password can be used again.