The malware treatment options let you choose what happens to malware that is detected on a client computer.
Double-click an Action to edit the Properties.
You can change the settings for malware and riskware. The options are:
Excluding Infections by Name
You can create a list of infections (by name) that will get different treatment than the selections above. Use an exception to allow a file that was detected as a threat in your organization, but was a false positive or riskware (software that can have both legitimate and malicious usage). For example, RAdmin might be detected as a threat but you want to allow it.
Contextual scans are done even if the file is in the Exclude Infections by Name list. A contextual scan is a scan that the user runs from the right-click menu of the file that the user wants to scan: The user does a right-click on a file and selects Scan with Check Point Anti-Malware.
You can get the virus names of threats detected in your organization from one of these sources:
To create a list of exceptions for malware treatment: