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Integration with Third Party Anti-Virus Vendors

Forensics can use information from the Windows Event Log to monitor and analyze malware events from third party anti-virus vendors. Based on the Windows Event Log, Forensics can analyze attacks, terminate processes, delete or quarantine files, and do other attack remediation.

You can enable or disable third party integration in SmartEndpoint, from the Automatic Threat Analysis action. This works with most common vendors without manual configuration.

Note - Some third party vendors do not automatically send information to the Windows Event Log. To use third party vendor integration, make sure that your vendor is configured to send information to the Windows Event Log.

Events are detected when the client is online or offline.

To enable or disable Forensics Third Party Anti-Virus Vendor integration:

  1. In a SandBlast Agent Forensics and Remediation rule, right-click the Automatic Threat Analysis Action and select Edit Shared Action.
  2. In the bottom of the window, click Override confidence level per specific event.

    The Confidence level for automatic response window opens.

  3. In the Additional Events area, in the Third party row under Forensics Analysis -
    • Select Always to enable Third Party Anti-Virus Vendor integration.
    • Select Never to disable it.
  4. Click OK.