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sim nonaccel


Syntax for IPv4

sim [-i <SecureXL ID>] nonaccel

-c <Name of Interface 1> [<Name of Interface 2> ... <Name of Interface N>]

-s <Name of Interface 1> [<Name of Interface 2> ... <Name of Interface N>]

Syntax for IPv6

sim6 nonaccel

-c <Name of Interface 1> [<Name of Interface 2> ... <Name of Interface N>]

-s <Name of Interface 1> [<Name of Interface 2> ... <Name of Interface N>]




-i <SecureXL ID>

Specifies the SecureXL instance ID (for IPv4 only).


Sets the specified interfaces as non-accelerated.


Clears the specified interfaces from non-accelerated state.

<Name of Interface>

Specifies the interface.


[Expert@MyGW:0]# sim nonaccel -s eth0

Interface eth0 set as non-accelerated.


Note: Changes will not take affect until the next time acceleration

is started or the relevant interface(s) are restarted.



[Expert@MyGW:0]# sim nonaccel -c eth0

Interface eth0 set as accelerated.


Note: Changes will not take affect until the next time acceleration

is started or the relevant interface(s) are restarted.
