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fwaccel dos whitelist


Configures the whitelist for source IP addresses in the SecureXL Penalty Box.

This whitelist overrides which packet the SecureXL Penalty Box drops.


Syntax for IPv4

fwaccel [-i <SecureXL ID>] dos whitelist

-a <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]

-d <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]


-l /<Path>/<Name of File>






-i <SecureXL ID>

Specifies the SecureXL instance ID (for IPv4 only).

No Parameters

Shows the applicable built-in usage.

-a <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]

Adds the specified IP address to the Penalty Box whitelist.

  • <IPv4 Address> - Can be an IPv4 address of a network or a host.
  • <Subnet Prefix> - Must specify the length of the subnet mask in the format /<bits>.

    Optional for a host IPv4 address.

    Mandatory for a network IPv4 address.

    Range - from /1 to /32.

    Important - If you do not specify the subnet prefix explicitly, this command uses the subnet prefix /32.


  • For a host:

  • For a network:

-d <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]

Removes the specified IPv4 address from the Penalty Box whitelist.

  • <IPv4 Address> - Can be an IPv4 address of a network or a host.
  • <Subnet Prefix> - Optional. Must specify the length of the subnet mask in the format /<bits>.

    Optional for a host IPv4 address.

    Mandatory for a network IPv4 address.

    Range - from /1 to /32.

    Important - If you do not specify the subnet prefix explicitly, this command uses the subnet prefix /32.


Removes (flushes) all entries from the Penalty Box whitelist.

-l /<Path>/<Name of File>

Loads the Penalty Box whitelist entries from the specified plain-text file.

Note - To replace the current whitelist with the contents of a new file, use both the -F and -l parameters on the same command line.


  • You must manually create and configure this file with the touch or vi command.
  • You must assign at least the read permission to this file with the chmod +x command.
  • Each entry in this file must be on a separate line.
  • Each entry in this file must be in this format:

    <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]

  • SecureXL ignores empty lines and lines that start with the # character in this file.


Loads the Penalty Box whitelist entries from the plain-text file with a predefined name:


Security Gateway automatically runs this command fwaccel dos pbox whitelist -L during each boot.

Note - To replace the current whitelist with the contents of a new file, use both the -F and -L parameters on the same command line.


  • This file does not exist by default.
  • You must manually create and configure this file with the touch or vi command.
  • You must assign at least the read permission to this file with the chmod +x command..
  • Each entry in this file must be on a separate line.
  • Each entry in this file must be in this format:

    <IPv4 Address>[/<Subnet Prefix>]

  • SecureXL ignores empty lines and lines that start with the # character in this file.


Shows the current Penalty Box whitelist entries.

Example - Adding a host IP address without optional subnet prefix

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -a


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -F

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


Example - Adding a host IP address with optional subnet prefix

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -a


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -F

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


Example - Adding a network IP address with mandatory subnet prefix

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -a


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -F

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s


Example - Deleting an entry

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -a


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -a


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -d


[Expert@MyGW:0]# fwaccel dos whitelist -s
