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cp_conf lic


Shows, adds and deletes Check Point licenses.

Note - This command corresponds to the option Licenses and contracts in the cpconfig menu.


cp_conf lic


add -f <Full Path to License File>

add -m <Host> <Date> <Signature Key> <SKU/Features>

del <Signature Key>

get [-x]





Shows the applicable built-in usage.

add -f <Full Path to License File>

Adds a license from the specified Check Point license file.

You get this license file in the Check Point User Center.

This is the same command as the cplic db_add.

add -m <Host> <Date> <Signature Key> <SKU/Features>

Adds the license manually.

You get these license details in the Check Point User Center.

This is the same command as the cplic db_add.

del <Signature Key>

Delete the license based on its signature.

This is the same command as the cplic del.

get [-x]

Shows the local installed licenses.

If you specify the '-x' parameter, output also shows the signature key for every installed license.

This is the same command as the cplic print [-x].

Example 1 - Adding the license from the file

[Expert@HostName:0]# cp_conf lic add -f ~/License.lic

License was installed successfully.



[Expert@HostName:0]# cp_conf lic get

Host Expiration Signature Features 25Aug2017 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CPMP-XXX


Example 2 - Adding the license manually

[Expert@HostName:0]# cp_conf lic add -m MGMT2 25Aug2017 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CPMP-XXX

License was successfully installed



[Expert@HostName:0]# cp_conf lic get

Host Expiration Signature Features 25Aug2017 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CPMP-XXX
