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Execute operations on the Internal Certificate Authority (ICA).

Important - On Multi-Domain Server, you must run these commands in the context of the relevant Domain Management Server:

  1. mdsenv <Name or IP Address of Domain Management Server>
  2. cpca_client ...


cpca_client [-d]

create_cert <options>

double_sign <options>

get_crldp <options>

get_pubkey <options>

init_certs <options>

lscert <options>

revoke_cert <options>

revoke_non_exist_cert <options>

search <options>

set_mgmt_tool <options>

set_sign_hash <options>





Runs the cpca_client command in debug mode.

create_cert <options>

Issues a SIC certificate for the Security Management Server or Domain Management Server.

double_sign <options>

Creates a second signature for a certificate.

get_crldp <options>

Shows how to access a CRL file from a CRL Distribution Point.

get_pubkey <options>

Saves the encoding of the public key of the ICA's certificate to a file.

init_certs <options>

Imports a list of DNs for users and creates a file with registration keys for each user.

lscert <options>

Shows all certificates issued by the ICA.

revoke_cert <options>

Revokes a certificate issued by the ICA.

revoke_non_exist_cert <options>

Revokes a non-existent certificate issued by the ICA.

search <options>

Searches for certificates in the ICA.

set_mgmt_tool <options>

Controls the ICA Management Tool.

set_sign_hash <options>

Sets the hash algorithm that the CA uses to sign the file hash.