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Modifying Settings of an Interface


This command lets you modify the settings of an interface that belongs to an existing Virtual Device object:

Note - You cannot change or remove the IP address or netmask of an existing interface with this command. You can remove the interface and add a new interface with a different IP address, but not all the previous interface settings will be kept.


set interface vd <Device Object Name> {name <Interface> [new_name <Interface>] | leads_to <VSW or VR Object Name> [new_leads_to <VSW or VR Object Name>]} [propagate {true|false}] [propagate6 {true|false}] [topology {external | internal_undefined | internal_this_network | internal_specific [specific_group <Network Group Object Name>>]}] [mtu <MTU>]





vd <Device Object Name>

Object name

Specifies the name of the Virtual Device object.

Mandatory parameter, if this is the first command in a transaction.

name <Interface>

Interface name

Specifies the name of the physical or VLAN interface.

Note - You must use name or leads_to parameter, but not both.

new_name <Interface>

Interface name

You can change the name, but not the type of interface.

Note - You can change a VLAN or physical interface only to a VLAN or physical interface.

leads_to <VSW or VR Object Name>

Object name

Specifies the name of the Virtual Switch or Virtual Router object, to which this interface connects.

Applicable only for Virtual System.

Note - You must use name or leads_to parameter, but not both.

new_leads_to <VSW or VR Object Name>

Object name

You can where the interface leads:

  • You can change an interface that leads to a Virtual Switch only to lead to a different Virtual Switch.
  • You can change an interface that leads to a Virtual Router only to lead to a different Virtual Router.

propagate {true | false}

  • true
  • false

Controls how to propagate the IPv4 routes to adjacent Virtual Devices:

  • true - Propagate the IPv4 routes
  • false - Do not propagate the IPv4 routes (default)

Note - Applicable only for Virtual System with VLAN or physical interfaces.

propagate6 {true | false}

  • true
  • false

Controls how to propagate the IPv6 routes to adjacent Virtual Devices:

  • true - Propagate the IPv6 routes
  • false - Do not propagate the IPv6 routes (default)

Note - Applicable only for Virtual System with VLAN or physical interfaces.

topology {external | internal_undefined | internal_this_network | internal_specific }

  • external
  • internal_undefined
  • internal_this_network
  • internal_specific

Specifies the Topology configuration of the interface:

  • external - External interface.
  • internal_undefined - Internal interface with undefined topology. This is the default for Virtual System in Bridge Mode.
  • internal_this_network - Internal interface. This is the default for Virtual System and Virtual Router. Virtual System in Bridge Mode does not support this topology.
  • internal_specific - Internal interface with topology defined by the specified Network Group object.

Applicable only for:

  • Virtual System
  • Virtual System in Bridge Mode
  • Virtual Router

specific_group <Network Group Object Name>

Name of Network Group Object

If you used topology internal_specific, then specify the name of the Network Group object that contains the applicable Network objects

Applicable only if you disable the automatic topology calculation.

mtu <MTU>


Specifies the MTU value for this interface.

Default is 1500 bytes.

Applicable only for:

  • Virtual System
  • Virtual Router

Example - On a Virtual System VS1, change the VLAN interface eth4.10 to the physical interface eth5

vsx_provisioning_tool –s localhost –u admin –p mypassword –o set interface vd VS1 name eth4.100 new_name eth5 propagate true topology internal_specific specific_group NYGWs