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rtm monitor


Starts the monitoring process for an interface or a Virtual Link.

If options and grouping are not used, this command monitors all traffic, on all interfaces, in both directions.


rtm monitor vl <Virtual_Link_Name> [-t {wire | application}] [-h <Module>]

rtm monitor <Key_1> [<Key_2> [<Key_3>] [<Key_4>]] <Value_Column_1> [<Value_Column_2> [<Value_Column_3>] [<Value_Column_4>] [<Value_Column_5>] [<Value_Column_6>]] [<Filter>] [<Options>]




No Parameters

Shows the built-in usage and examples.


Specifies the name of the monitored Virtual Link.

-t {wire | application}

Specifies how to show the data:

  • wire - Shows the data on the wire after compression, or encryption.
  • application - Shows the data as the application sees it (not compressed and not encrypted).

-h <Module>

Specifies the Security Gateway by its IP address, or resolvable hostname.

<Key_1> [... [<Key_4>]]

Specifies up to four keys in this format:

-k <Key_Type> [<Key_Atrr>] [<Entity_1> ... <Entity_N>]


  • The <Key_Type> can be one of these:
    • connId - Monitors according to a connection ID.
    • dst - Monitors according to a network object (destination only).
    • fgrule - Monitors according to a QoS Policy rule.
    • fwrule - Monitors according to an Access Control Policy rule.
    • interface - Monitors according to an interface. Use comma ',' to specify the direction for the interface filter: ,{in|out|both}. Default is both.
    • ip - Monitors according to a network object (source and destination).
    • orientation - Monitors according to connection's direction.
    • pktRange - Monitors according to a range of packet sizes.
    • src - Monitors according to a network object (source only).
    • svc - Monitors according to a service (for example, http).
    • tunnel - Monitors according to a VPN tunnel.
    • tunnelType - Monitors according to a VPN tunnel type:

      0 - reserved

      1 - regular

      2- permanent

    • url [<URL_Mode>] - Monitors according to a URL.

      The <URL_Mode> can be one of these:

      url_mod=full (default)






    • wdAttack - Monitors according to web defense attacks.

<Value_Column_1> [... [<Value_Column_6>]]

Specifies up to six column values in this format:

-v <Value Type> [<Accumulate Mode>] [<Sort Mode>] [<Direction Filter>] [<Encryption Filter>]


  • The <Value Type> can be one of these:
    • ab - Shows application bytes
    • conn - Shows connections
    • pkt - Shows packets
    • session - Shows sessions
    • wb - Shows wire-bytes


  • The <Accumulate Mode> can be one of these:
    • If <Value Type>=ab:


      acc=rate (default)


    • If <Value Type>=conn:

      acc=concurrent (default)


    • If <Value Type>=pkt:

      acc=rate (default)


    • If <Value Type>=session:


    • If <Value Type>=wb:


      acc=rate (default)



  • The <Sort Mode> can be one of these:
    • sort=top (default for all views)
    • sort=bottom
    • sort=none (default for specific views)


  • The <Direction Filter> can be one of these:
    • dir=in
    • dir=out
    • dir=both (default)


  • The <Encryption Filter> can be one of these:
    • enc=yes
    • enc=no
    • enc=both (default)


Specifies the filter that can be one of these:

  • For atom filter:

    -f <Filter_Type> [not] [<Entity_1> ... <Entity_N>]

  • For hierarchy filter:

    -f {and | or} [...]


The <Filter_Type> can be one of these:

  • connId - Monitors according to a connection ID.
  • dst - Monitors according to a network object (destination only).
  • fgrule - Monitors according to a QoS Policy rule.
  • fwrule - Monitors according to an Access Control Policy rule.
  • interface - Monitors according to an interface. Use comma ',' to specify the direction for the interface filter: ,{in|out|both}. Default is both.
  • ip - Monitors according to a network object (source and destination).
  • orientation - Monitors according to connection's direction.
  • src - Monitors according to a network object (source only).
  • svc - Monitors according to a service (for example, http).
  • tunnel - Monitors according to a VPN tunnel.
  • tunnelType - Monitors according to a VPN tunnel type:

    0 - reserved

    1 - regular

    2- permanent

  • url [<URL_Mode>] - Monitors according to a URL.

    The <URL_Mode> can be one of these:

    url_mod=full (default)






  • wdAttack - Monitors according to web defense attacks.


Specifies these options:

  • -e <Export File Name> - Specifies the path and the name of the file, in which the command saves its output.
  • -h <Module> - Specifies the Security Gateway by its IP address, or resolvable hostname. Default is localhost.
  • -i <Interval in Seconds> - The command runs in the loop and shows the output every specified number of seconds. Default is 2 sec.
  • -m {raw | resolve | both} - Specifies how to resolve the names. Default is both.
  • -s {top | bottom | none} [index=<1...6>] [updates=<1...200>] - Specifies how to sort the output. If you specify none, the defaults are: index=1 and updates=50.


Example 1

This command shows top services (based on bytes per seconds) on external interfaces in the inbound direction:

rtm monitor -f interface external,in -k svc -v w

Example 2

This command shows top Access Control rules (based on average concurrent connections):

rtm monitor -k fwrule -v conn acc=concurrent

Example 3

This command shows Individual HTTP connections (bytes per second):

rtm monitor -f svc http -k svc -k connId -v wb

Example 4

This command shows bottom inbound IP addresses versus outbound IP addresses (based on packets per interval):

rtm monitor -k ip -v pkt dir=in acc=sum -v pkt dir=out acc=sum -v pkt acc=sum sort=bottom -i 10

Example 5

This command shows top tunnels (based on average concurrent connections):

rtm monitor -f tunnelType not 0 -k tunnel -k tunnelType -v conn -m resolve

Example 6

This command shows packet size distribution (based on packets per interval):

rtm monitor -k pktRange 0-99 100-499 500-999 1000-1999 ">2000" -v pkt acc=sum -i 1

Example 7

This command shows top URLs (based on sessions per seconds) - host part only:

rtm monitor -k url url_mod=host -v session