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Administrator Properties - General

What can I do here?

Configure and manage administrators, authentication methods and permissions.

Getting Here

Getting Here - SmartConsole > Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Administrators > New or double-click an account > General tab


SmartConsole for Multi-Domain Server > Multi Domain > Permissions and Administrators > Administrators > New or double-click an account > General tab


Configuring Administrator Properties

Configuring Check Point Password Authentication for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure Check Point Password authentication for administrators.

To configure a Check Point password for a SmartConsole administrator:

  1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
  2. Click New.
  3. The New Administrator window opens.
  4. Give the administrator a name.
  5. In Authentication method, select Check Point Password.
  6. Click Set New Password, type the Password, and Confirm it.
  7. Assign a Permission Profile.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Publish.
Click Publish.

Configuring OS Password Authentication for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure OS Password Authentication for administrators.

To configure an OS password for a SmartConsole administrator:

  1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
  2. Click New.
  3. The New Administrator window opens.
  4. Give the administrator a name.
  5. In Authentication method, select OS Password.
  6. Assign a Permission Profile.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Publish.
Click Publish.

Configuring a RADIUS Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a RADIUS server for SmartConsole administrators. To learn how to configure a RADIUS server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure a RADIUS Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

  1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New RADIUS.
  2. Configure the RADIUS Server Properties:
    1. Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
    2. Click New and create a New Host with the IP address of the RADIUS server.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Make sure that this host shows in the Host field of the Radius Server Properties window.
    5. In the Shared Secret field, type the secret key that you defined previously on the RADIUS server.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Click Publish.
  3. Add a new administrator:
    1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
    2. Click New.

      The New Administrator window opens.

    3. Give the administrator the name that is defined on the RADIUS server.
    4. Assign a Permission Profile.
    5. In Authentication method, select RADIUS.
    6. Select the RADIUS Server defined earlier.
    7. Click OK.
  4. Click Publish.

Configuring a SecurID Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a SecurID server for SmartConsole administrators. To learn how to configure a SecurID server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure the Security Management Server for SecurID:

  1. Connect to the Security Management Server.
  2. Copy the sdconf.rec file to the /var/ace/ folder

    If the folder does not exist, create the folder.

  3. Give the sdconf.rec file full permissions. Run:

    chmod 777 sdconf.rec

To configure a SecurID Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

  1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New SecurID.
  2. Configure the SecurID Properties:
    1. Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
    2. Click Browse and select the sdconf.rec file. This must be a copy of the file that is on the Security Management Server.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Add a new administrator:
    1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
    2. Click New.

      The New Administrator window opens.

    3. Give the administrator a name.
    4. Assign a Permission Profile.
    5. In Authentication method, select SecurID.
  4. In the SmartConsole Menu, click Install Database.

Configuring a TACACS Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a TACACS server for SmartConsole administrators. To learn how to configure a TACACS server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure a TACACS Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

  1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New TACACS.
  2. Configure the TACACS Server Properties:
    1. Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
    2. Click New and create a New Host with the IP address of the TACACS server.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Make sure that this host shows in the Host field of the TACACS Server Properties window.
    5. In the Shared Secret field, type the secret key that you defined previously on the TACACS server.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Click Publish.
  3. Add a new administrator:
    1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
    2. Click New.

      The New Administrator window opens.

    3. Give the administrator the name that is defined on the TACACS server.
    4. Assign a Permission Profile.
    5. In Authentication method, select TACACS.
    6. Select the TACACS Server defined earlier.
    7. Click OK.
  4. Click Publish.

Creating and Changing an Administrator Account

To successfully manage security for a large network, we recommend that you first set up your administrative team, and delegate tasks.

We recommend that you create administrator accounts in SmartConsole, with the procedure below or with the First Time Configuration Wizard.

If you create it through the SmartConsole, you can choose one of these authentication methods:

To create an administrator account using SmartConsole:

  1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.

    The Administrators pane shows by default.

  2. Click New Administrator.

    The New Administrators window opens.

  3. Enter a unique name for the administrator account.

    Note - This parameter is case-sensitive.

  4. Set the Authentication Method, or create a certificate, or the two of them.

    Note - If you do not do this, the administrator will not be able to log in to SmartConsole.

    To define an Authentication Method:

    In the Authentication Method section, select a method and follow the instructions in Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators.

    To create a Certificate - If you want to use a certificate to log in:

    In the Certificate Information section, click Create, and follow the instructions in Configuring Certificates for Administrators.

  5. Select a Permissions profile for this administrator, or create a new one.
  6. Set the account Expiration date:
    • For a permanent administrator - select Never
    • For a temporary administrator - select an Expire At date from the calendar

    The default expiration date shows, as defined in the Default Expiration Settings. After the expiration date, the account is no longer authorized to access network resources and applications.

  7. Optional: Configure Additional Info - Contact Details, Email and Phone Number of the administrator.
  8. Click OK.

To change an existing administrator account:

  1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
  2. Double-click an administrator account.

    The Administrators properties window opens.

Creating an administrator with cpconfig

We do not recommend creating an administrator with cpconfig, the Check Point Configuration Tool. Use it only if there is no access to SmartConsole or the Gaia Portal. If you use cpconfig to create an administrator:

Configuring Default Expiration for Administrators

If you want to use the same expiration settings for multiple accounts, you can set the default expiration for administrator accounts. You can also choose to show notifications about the approaching expiration date at the time when an administrator logs into SmartConsole or one of the SmartConsole clients. The remaining number of days, during which the account will be alive, shows in the status bar.

To configure the default expiration settings:

  1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Advanced.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. In the Default Expiration Date section, select a setting:
    • Never expires
    • Expire at - Select the expiration date from the calendar control
    • Expire after - Enter the number of days, months, or years (from the day the account is made) before administrator accounts expire
  4. In the Expiration notifications section, select Show 'about to expire' indication in administrators view and select the number of days in advance to show the message about the approaching expiration date.
  5. Click Publish.