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An IP Pool is a range of IP addresses (an Address Range, a network or a group of one of these objects) routable to the gateway or gateway cluster.

IP Pool NAT ensures proper routing for two connection scenarios:

Configuring IP Pool NAT

  1. In Global Properties > NAT page, select Enable IP Pool NAT.
  2. Set tracking options for address exhaustion and for address allocation and release. Then:
  3. For each gateway, create a network object that represents the IP pool NAT addresses for that gateway. The IP pool can be a network, group, or address range. For example:
    • On the network objects tree, right-click Network Objects branch > New > Address Range... The Address Range Properties window opens.
    • On the General tab, enter the first IP and last IP of the address range.
    • Click OK. In the network objects tree, Address Ranges branch, the new address range appears.
  4. On the gateway object where IP pool NAT translation is performed, Gateway Properties window, NAT > IP Pool NAT page, select either
    • Allocate IP Addresses from, and select the address range you created, OR
    • Define IP Pool addresses on gateway interfaces. If you choose this option, you need to define the IP Pool on each required interface, in the Interface Properties window, IP Pool NAT tab.
  5. In the IP Pool NAT page, select either (or both):
    • Use IP Pool NAT for VPN client connections
    • Use IP Pool NAT for gateway to gateway connections
  6. Click Advanced.
    • Decide after how many minutes unused addressees are returned to the IP pool.
    • Click OK twice.
  7. Edit the routing table of each internal router, so that packets with an a IP address assigned from the NAT pool are routed to the appropriate gateway.

IP Pool NAT for Clusters