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Use this window to configure exceptions to Threat Emulation and Threat Extraction.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Security Policies > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Tools > Profiles > Profile > Mail > Exceptions


You can exclude specific email addresses from the Threat Emulation or Threat Extraction protections.

To exclude emails from Threat Emulation:

  1. In Emulation Exceptions, click Configure.
  2. In the Recipients section, click the + button to enter one or more emails.

    Emails and attachments that are sent to these recipients will not be sent for emulation.

  3. In the Senders section, click the + button to enter one or more emails.

    Emails and attachments that are received from these senders will not be sent for emulation.

    Note - You can use a wildcard character to exclude more than one email address from a domain.

  4. Click OK.

Note - If you want to do emulation on outgoing emails, make sure that you set the Protected Scope to Inspect incoming and outgoing files.

To exclude emails from Threat Extraction:

  1. In Extraction Exclusion/Inclusion:
    • Select Scan all emails (selected by default) and click Exceptions.

      Click the + button to exclude specific recipients, users, groups or senders.

    • Select Scan mail only for specific users or groups and click Configure.

      Click the Add button to exclude specific User Groups, Recipients or Senders.

  2. Click OK.


A user is an object that can contain an email address with other details.

A group is an AD group or an LDAP group of users

A recipient is an email address only.

Important: In the main SmartConsole menu > Global Properties > User Directory, make sure that you selected Use User Directory for Security Gateways

Signed Email Attachments

Signed emails are not encrypted, but the mail contents are signed to authenticate the sender. If the received email differs from the email that was sent, the recipient gets a warning, and the digital signature is no longer valid.

Clean replaces the original attachment with an attachment cleaned of threats, or converts the attachment to PDF form. Both actions invalidate the digital signature. If the attachment does not include active content, the mail remains unmodified and the digital signature valid.

Allow does not change the email. The digital signature remains valid. Select this option to prevent altering digital signatures.