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TCP - General

What can I do here?

Use this window to configure CVP or UFP content security on any TCP Service using a third party OPSEC compliant application.

Getting Here

Getting Here - Object Explorer > New > Resource > TCP - General

Understanding TCP Resources

The TCP resource turns on genericid, a generic daemon (security server) that receives data packets and sends them to a CVP or UFP Server, as defined by the TCP resource.

The URL sent to a UFP Server is not a full URL but rather IP-based only. Before using the TCP Resource for UFP filtering, verify that the UFP Server supports IP-based URLs and can categorize specific protocols for which the TCP resource is to be implemented.

The TCP Resource is triggered when a Rule includes the TCP Resource, and a connection is encountered that matches both the Source and Destination of the Rule, and the Resource. If there is a match, then the action specified in the rule is applied.