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ClusterXL Configuration Commands

The cphaconf Command

Description The cphaconf command configures ClusterXL.

Important - We do not recommend running this command. It should be run automatically, only by the cluster members, or by Check Point Support. The only exception to this rule is running this command with set_cpp option, as described below.


cphaconf [-i <computer id>] [-p <policy id>] [-b <db_id>] [-n <ClusterXL num>]
[-c <ClusterXL size>] [-m <service >] [-t <secured IF 1>...] start

cphaconf [-t <secured IF 1>...] [-d <disconnected IF 1>...] add
cphaconf clear-secured
cphaconf clear-disconnected
cphaconf stop
cphaconf init
cphaconf forward <on/off>
cphaconf debug <on/off>
cphaconf set_ccp <broadcast/multicast>
cphaconf mc_reload
cphaconf debug_data

cphaconf stop_all_vs




set_ccp {broadcast|multicast}

Sets whether Cluster Control Protocol (CCP) packets should be sent with a broadcast or multicast destination MAC address. The default behavior is multicast. The setting created using this command will survive reboot.

Note - The same value (either broadcast or multicast) should be set on all ClusterXL members.


Stops the ClusterXL product on all Virtual Systems on a VSX Gateway.



Verifies that the cluster member is working properly.


cphaprob state
cphaprob [-a] if
cphaprob [-i[a]] [-e] list
cphaprob -d <Device> -t <Timeout> -s {ok|init|problem} [-p] register
cphaprob -d <Device> [-p] unregister
cphaprob -a unregister
cphaprob -f <File> register
cphaprob -d <Device> -s {ok|init|problem} report




cphaprob state

Shows the status of all detected cluster members.

cphaprob [-a] if

Shows the state of the cluster interfaces - sync and virtual.

cphaprob [-l] [-i[a]] [-e] list

Shows the list of Critical Devices on the cluster member and their states.

cphaprob -d <Name of Device> -t <Timeout in sec)> -s {ok|init|problem} [-p] register

Registers the Critical Device with the specified name, specified report timeout and specified state.
The -p flag registers this Critical Device permanently.

cphaprob -f <File> register

Registers all the user defined Critical Devices listed in the file.
This file must be defined using this syntax:
<Name of Device> <Timeout in sec> <State>

cphaprob -d <Name of Device> [-p] unregister

Unregisters the specified Critical Device.

cphaprob -a unregister

Unregisters all the user defined Critical Devices.

cphaprob -d <Name of Device> -s <ok|init|problem> report

Reports the state of a the specified Critical Device to ClusterXL.