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Install Policy Error Using VSX Creation Wizard

After completing the VSX creation wizard, a failure occurs and the following message appears in the Operation Report window: Error: Default policy installation failed on VSX. Install policy manually using SmartDashboard.

Possible Causes

How to Resolve

Missing or invalid license on the management server.

Execute cplic check on the management server to verify that you have the required licenses.

Obtain and install the appropriate licenses.

Missing or invalid VSX Gateway / cluster licenses. Run fw vsx stat on all Gateways, and make sure that the output says Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license: is greater than 0.

Obtain a VSX and install a valid license for each VSX Gateway or cluster member.

Time or time zone mismatch between the management and the gateway. For proper SIC operation, the time, date and time zone must be synchronized between the management server and Gateways / cluster members.

Execute the /bin/date -u command on all machines, to obtain the correct UTC/GMT time. The machines can be in different time zones, as long as their UTC/GMT times match.

Change the time, date and time zone on the management and/or the gateways so that their UTC/GMT times match. Refer to you operating system documentation for the exact commands needed to accomplish this.