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cpca_client search

Description Searches for certificates in the ICA (Internal Certificate Authority).


> cpca_client search <string> [-where {dn|comment|serial}] [-kind [SIC|IKE|User|LDAP]] [-stat [Pending|Valid|Revoked|Expired|Renewed]] [-max <max results>] [-showfp {y|n}]



-where {dn|comment|serial}

Where to search for the string, in the dn, serial number, or comment field.

The default is all locations.

-kind [SIC|IKE|User|LDAP]

The type of certificate. You can enter multiple values in this format: -kind value1 value2 value3. The default is all values.

-stat [Pending|Valid|Revoked|Expired|Renewed]

Filters according to the status of the certificate. You can enter multiple values in this format: -stat value1 value2 value3. The default is all values.

-max <max results>

Enter the maximum number of results to show. The default setting is 200.

-showfp {y|n}

Show the certificate's fingerprint: yes or no. The default is yes.

Example > cpca_client search samplecompany -where comment -kind SIC LDAP -stat Pending Valid Renewed