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rtm monitor


Starts the monitoring process for an interface or a virtual link.

If options and grouping are not used, this command monitors all traffic, on all interfaces, in both directions.


rtm monitor {<module_name> [<interface_name>] | <module_name>-filter ["<complex filter>"] | -v <virtual_link_name>} [<options>] [-g <grouping> <entity-1>...<entity-n>]




The name of the SmartView Monitor module.


The name of the monitored interface.

"<complex filter>"

Boolean regular expression to match traffic to be monitored.


The name of the monitored Virtual Link.


Available options are:

svc - Monitors according to a service.

src - Monitors according to a network object (source only).

dst - Monitors according to a network object (destination only).

ip - Monitors according to a network object (source and destination).

fgrule - Monitors according to a QoS Policy rule.

topsvc - Monitors the traffic of the top 50 services.

topsrc - Monitors the traffic of the top 50 sources.

topdst - Monitors the traffic of the top 50 destinations.

topdst - Monitors traffic to and from the top 50 IP addresses (source of destination).

topfwn - Monitors according to the top 50 Firewall rules.

topfgrule - Monitors according to the top 50 QoS Policy rules.





aggregate (default) - Shows connections as a group.

individual - Shows individual connections.


bandwidth (default) - Shows effective bandwidth.
loss - Shows the difference between the transmission rate and the receiving rate.
rtt - Shows the time required to travel between two endpoints.


wire - Shows the data on the wire after compression or encryption.
application - Shows the data as the application sees it (not compressed and not encrypted).


<number of seconds>
Default: 2


Specifies a sub-rule (for example, 'rule@@subrule')


Specifies the monitor direction.
Valid values for an interface:

- inbound
- outbound
- eitherbound

Valid values for a virtual link:

- a2b - endpoint A to endpoint B
- b2a - endpoint B to endpoint A
- a2b_b2a - both directions


Specifies the units of bandwidth (when -w = bandwidth)

- bytes (default)
- pkts
- line


Indicates the number of new connections opened per second.


Average concurrent connections (use with a grouping value).


Specifies whether or not thousands will be separated by commas.


This command shows monitoring data in bytes-per-second for the top 50 services passed on all interfaces in both directions: rtm monitor localhost -filter -g topsvc

This command shows monitoring data in concurrent connections for the top 50 sources inbound to interface eth0: rtm monitor localhost -filter "[and[[interface 0 [[eth0in]]][svc 1 [telnet http]]]" -y C -g topsrc

This command shows monitoring data in bytes-per-sec for the top 50 services passed on interface hme1: rtm monitor localhost hme1 -g topsvc -y b


The specified entities correspond to the specified grouping option. For example, if the monitoring process works according to a service (svc), add all the monitored services, separated by a space.

To monitor for the QoS Policy, use rule@@fgrule