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Description ldapmodify imports users to an LDAP server. The input file must be in the LDIF format.


# ldapmodify -a -c -d -h <host> -p <port> -D <LDAPadminDN> -p <LDAPadminPassword> -f <exportfilename>.ldif -d




Add users.


Continue on errors.

-h <host>

LDAP server IP address.


Debug flag.

-p <port>

LDAP server port number.

-D <LDAPadminDN>

LDAP Administrator DN.

-p <LDAPadminPassword>

LDAP Administrator password.

-f <exportfilename>.ldif

Specifies the name of the input file. This file must be in the LDIF format.

Comments You can import the Security Management User Database to an LDAP server by first generating an LDIF file using fwm dbexport, and then using ldapmodify.

Before importing, prepare the LDAP directory as follows:

Example Importing Users using ldapmodify:

  1. Export the users using fwm dbexport using hello1234 as the pre-shared secret.

    fwm dbexport -l -f ./o_file.ldif -s "o=bigcorp,c=uk" -k hello1234

  2. Create the "o=bigcorp,c=uk" branch.
  3. Import the users:

    ldapmodify -a -c -h <host> -p <port> -D bindDN -w bindPas -f ./o_file.ldif

  4. Define an Account Unit with these parameters.