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fw kill

Description Prompts the kernel to shut down all firewall daemon processes. The command is located in the $FWDIR/bin directory on the Security Management server or gateway machine.

The firewall daemons and Security servers write their pids to files in the $FWDIR/tmp directory upon startup. These files are named $FWDIR/tmp/ For example, the file containing the pid of the firewall snmp daemon is: $FWDIR/tmp/


> fw kill [-t <sig_no>] <proc-name>



-t <sig_no>

This Unix only command specifies that if the file $FWDIR/tmp/ exists, send signal sig_no to the pid given in the file.

If no signal is specified, signal 15 (sigterm or the terminate command) is sent.


Prompt the kernel to shut down specified firewall daemon processes.

Comments In Windows, only the default syntax is supported: fw kill proc_name. If the -t option is used it is ignored.