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Description Edit the objects file on the Security Management server (see skI3301). Editing the objects.C file on the gateway is not required or desirable, since it will be overwritten the next time a Policy is installed.


> dbedit [-s <server>] [- u <user>|-c <certificate>] [-p <password>] [-f <filename>] [-r <db-open-reason>] [-help]



-s server

The Security Management server on which the objects_5_0.C file to be edited is located. If this is not specified in the command line, then the user will be prompted for it.
If the server is not localhost, the user will be required to authenticate.

-u user |
-c certificate

The user's name (the name used for the SmartConsole) or the full path to the certificate file.

-p password

The user's password (the password used for the SmartConsole).

-f filename

The name of the file containing the commands. If filename is not given, then the user will be prompted for commands.

-r db-open-reason

An optional flag used to open the database with a string that states the reason. This reason will be attached to audit logs on database operations.


Print usage and short explanation.

dbedit internal commands:




[object_type] [object_name]

Create an object with its default values.
The create command may use an extended (or "owned") object. Changes are committed to the database only by an update or quit command.


[table_name] [object_name] [field_name] [value]

Modify fields of an object which is:

  • stored in the database (the command will lock the object in such case).
  • newly created by dbedit

Extended Formats for owned objects can be used:

For example, [field_name] = Field_A:Field_B


[table_name] [object_name]

Update the database with the object. This command will check the object validity and will issue an error message if appropriate.


[table_name] [object_name]

Delete an object from the database and from the client implicit database.


[table_name] [object_name] [field_name] [value]

Add an element (of type string) to a multiple field.


[table_name] [object_name] [field_name] [value]

Remove an element (of type string) from a multiple field.



[table_name] [object_name]

Assign a new name for a given object. The operation also performs an update.


Rename network object London to Chicago.

rename network_objects london chicago


Quit dbedit and update the database with modified objects not yet committed.

Example Replace the owned object with a new null object, where NULL is a reserved word specifying a null object:

modify network_objects my_obj firewall_setting NULL

Example Extended Format

firewall_properties owns the object floodgate_preferences.

floodgate_preferences has a Boolean attribute turn_on_logging, which will be set to true.

modify properties firewall_properties floodgate_preferences:turn_on_logging true

comments is a field of the owned object contained in the ordered container. The 0 value indicates the first element in the container (zero based index).

modify network_objects my_networkObj interfaces:0:comments my_comment

Replace the owned object with a new one with its default values.

modify network_objects my_net_obj interfaces:0:security interface_security