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Do this procedure for each SSM60 in the Chassis. In a Dual Chassis system, do this procedure for both Chassis.

  1. Connect to the SSM with telnet:

    The default password is admin.

  2. Run this command: to go to the Enable mode:
    # en
  3. Run this command to go to the Configuration terminal:
    # conf t
  4. Run this command to configure all the downlink interfaces:

    #interface range 1/2/1-1/14/1

  5. Run this command to configure the MTU:

    # packet-size-limit 9146

  6. Run this command to configure the required front panel ports:

    # interface range 1/2/1-1/14/1

    Interfaces 1/15/1 – 1/15/5 = SSM ports 1-5.

  7. Run this command to set the required MTU:

    # packet-size-limit 9146

  8. Run these commands to close Configuration terminal and save the configuration:

    # end

    # write


# telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification
> en
# conf t
# interface range 1/2/1-1/14/1
# packet-size-limit 9146
# interface range 1/15/1-1/15/5
# packet-size-limit 9146
# end
# write
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