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Configuring DHCP Relay (set bootp)

Use this command to configure DHCP relay for a specified interface.

BOOTP/DHCP Relay extends BOOTP and DHCP operations across multiple hops in a routed network. With standard BOOTP, all LAN interfaces are loaded from one configuration server on the LAN. BOOTP Relay sends configuration requests to and from configuration servers located outside the LAN.

BOOTP/DHCP Relay has these advantages over standard BOOTP/DHCP:

  • You can provide redundancy by configuring an interface on the Check Point system to relay client configuration requests to multiple servers. Configuration requests are sent to all configured relay servers simultaneously.
  • Load balancing - You can configure interfaces to relay client configuration requests to different relay servers.
  • It lets you centrally manage client configuration over multiple LANs. This is particularly useful in large enterprise environments.


set bootp interface <if_name> on|off
set bootp interface <if_name> primary [default | <ip>] wait‑time <0‑65535>] on
set bootp interface <if_name relay‑to <ip> on | off



interface <if_name>

The interface name as defined by the system. Press Tab after you enter this parameter to see a list of valid interface names.

primary <ip>


primary default

The IP address of the Security Gateway interface that always gets requests from the DHCP client. If you do not define a Primary IP address, the system automatically uses the IP address of the interface that the DHCP request comes from.

You can use the default value instead of an IP address to force the system use the IP address of the interface that the DHCP request comes from. This is useful when you want to change the wait-time parameter, but not define a Primary IP.


wait‑time <0‑65535>

The minimum wait time, in seconds, before a BOOTP request can be sent (default = 60 seconds). This includes the elapsed time after the client starts to boot. This delay lets a local configuration server reply, before it sends the relay to a remote server.

The wait-time keyword is optional. The system assumes that an integer after the primary value is the wait-time value.

relay‑to <ip> on|off

The IP address of the relay server to which BOOTP requests are sent. You can specify more than one server.

on | off

Enables or disables BOOTP on the specified interface.


This example enables DHCP Relay on eth0-4 with default values and no Primary IP. The IP address is automatically assigned by DHCP server.

> set bootp interface eth0-04 on

This example enables DHCP Relay on eth0-04 and defines the Primary IP address as The wait time is the default value (60 seconds).

> set bootp interface eth0-04 primary wait-time default on

This example enables DHCP Relay on eth1-o4 and sends BOOTP requests to the relay server at

> set bootp interface eth1-04 relay-to on


Use this command to monitor and troubleshoot the BOOTP implementation:

> show bootp
	interface  - BOOTP/DHCP Relay Interface
	interfaces - All BOOTP/DHCP Relay Interfaces
	stats      - BOOTP/DHCP Relay Statistics
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