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Changing the High Availability Mode

When changing from Active/Active to Active/Standby or from Active/Standby to Active/Active:

  1. Put the one Chassis in an administrative DOWN state. From gclish run:

    asg chassis_admin -c < Chassis_id> down

  2. Put the same Chassis in an administrative UP state. From gclish run:

    asg chassis_admin -c <Chassis_id> up

To change the High Availability Chassis mode:

set chassis high-availability mode [0|1|2|3]




Active/Standby: No primary Chassis. Also known as Active Up mode.

In this mode, the Chassis that is UP stays up until the other Chassis gets a higher grade.


Active/Standby: Chassis 1 is Primary Chassis. Also known as Primary Up mode.

In this mode, if Chassis 1 has a grade that is high enough to make it Active, it will become Active and will take over from Chassis 2. Chassis 2 then becomes Standby.


Active/Standby: Chassis 2 is Primary Chassis. Also known as Primary Up mode.

In this mode, if Chassis 2 has a grade that is high enough to make it Active, it will become Active and will take over from Chassis 1. Chassis 1 then becomes Standby.


Active/Active Mode

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