Setting Chassis Weights (chassis high-availability factors)
Each component in a Chassis has a weight factor, which is a numerical value that reflects the component importance level. Ports might be more important than fans and receive a higher value or a greater weight. The Chassis grade is the sum of all these component weights. In a high-availability dual-Chassis deployment, the Chassis with the higher grade becomes active and processes traffic. The grade of each component = (Unit Weight) X (Number of UP components)
To see the weight of each component, run: asg stat -v .
Use the set chassis high-availability factors command to configure a component's weight.
set chassis high-availability factors [SGM <factor> |port high <factor> | port standard <factor> |sensor cmm <factor> |sensor fans <factor> | sensor power_supplies <factor> | sensor ssm <factor> |pnote pingable_hosts <factor>]
- Sets the weight factor for an SGM
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 1000
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors sgm 100
port high
- A port has one of two grades: high or standard. This parameter sets a weight factor for the high grade
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 1000
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors Port high 70
This means that ports set to high grade have a weight of 70.
port standard
- A port has one of two grades: high or standard. This parameter sets a weight factor for the standard grade
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 1000
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors Port standard 50
This means that ports set to standard grade have a weight of 50.
Sensor CMMs
- Sets a weight factor for CMMs
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 99
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors sensor cmm 40
Sensor fans
- Sets a weight factor for fan units
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 99
- Example
: set chassis high-availability factors sensor fans 30
Sensor Power Supplies
- Sets a weight factor for power supply units
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 99
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors sensor power_supplies 20
SSMs Sensor
- Sets a weight factor for SSMs
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 99
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors sensor ssm 45
pnote pingable_hosts
- Sets a weight factor for pingable hosts, a way of making sure ports are properly connected to their hosts.
- The weight factor must be between 0 and 99
- Example:
set chassis high-availability factors pnote pingable_hosts 99