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Port Connectivity Verification (asg_pingable_hosts)


The Port Connectivity Verification feature makes sure that 61000/41000 Security System ports are connected to their hosts. When this feature is enabled, the system automatically adds a predefined value (default=50) to the Chassis Grade.

When Port Connectivity Verification detects a host connectivity error, this value is subtracted from the Chassis Grade. The system continuously runs connectivity tests at a predefined interval (Default = 4 seconds). You can change the interval with the pingable_hosts enable -i <interval> command.

Notes and Limitations

  • Port Connectivity Verification is not supported for VSX
  • Port Connectivity Verification only supports IPv4 addresses
  • A port is considered to be down when all connected hosts fail to respond to pings


pingable_hosts --help p
pingable_hosts status 
pingable_hosts load_ips 
pingable_hosts disable 
pingable_hosts enable 




Show commands and syntax


Show Port Connectivity Verification status and parameters




Disable Port Connectivity Verification


Enable Port Connectivity Verification and configure options

-i <interval>

Enter a verification interval in seconds (Default = 4)


Enable the monitor only mode, which does not change the Chassis grade if connectivity verification detects an error.


  • asg stat shows the Pingable Posts and verification results in the bottom row for each Chassis.
> asg stat
| System Status - 61000                                                        |
| Up time                      | 7 days, 01:56:22 hours                        |
| Current CPUs load average    | 4 %                                           |
| Concurrent connections       | 0                                             |
| Health                       | Pingable Hosts              1 Down            |
| Chassis 1                    | ACTIVE                     UP / Required      |
|                              |   SGMs                      3 / 3             |
|                              |   Ports                     0 / 0             |
|                              |   Fans                      4 / 4             |
|                              |   SSMs                      2 / 2             |
|                              |   CMMs                      2 / 2             |
|                              |   Power Supplies            6 / 6             |
|                              |   Pingable Hosts            1 / 1             |
| Chassis 2                    | ACTIVE                     UP / Required      |
|                              |   SGMs                      3 / 3             |
|                              |   Ports                     0 / 0             |
|                              |   Fans                      4 / 4             |
|                              |   SSMs                      2 / 2             |
|                              |   CMMs                      2 / 2             |
|                              |   Power Supplies            6 / 6             |
|                              |   Pingable Hosts            0 / 1   (!)       |

  • The UP/Required column shows the verification status, not the number of pingable hosts up or required. The status means:
    • 1 / 1 = OK
    • 0 / 1 when one of the pingable hosts on the list fails to reply
  • Port Connectivity log files are stored at /var/log/pingable_hosts
  • The default Port Connectivity Verification value added to the Chassis Score is 50. To change this value, run
    > set chassis high-availability factors pnote pingable_hosts <factor>

Related Topics

Working with Pingable Hosts

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