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Collecting System Information (asg_info)


Use this command to collect system information. This command runs many commands that generate data files and command line output. The main categories of collected information include:

  • Log files
  • Configuration files
  • System status
  • Indication for possible errors

The information is collected from all SGMs and sent to a compressed folder at:



The commands that are being run by asg_info are divided into three groups.

  • System commands run on the SMO
  • Commands run on only one SGM for each Chassis
  • Commands that run on all SGMs
  • VSX Mode only: Commands are divided into two groups:
    • Per VS: Run on all vs range given by user
    • Global: Run only on VS0 context


asg_info collects certain files from all SGMs. Files are sent to specific folders. For example, all core dump files are located. under the folder core_dump. SGM ID is added to file names, in order to indicate where data was collected from

For example:

File name format for files that are part of core_dump folder:

  • global_1_02_coredump.gz
  • global_2_03_coredump.gz

The first one was collected from SGM 2 in Chassis 1, and the second was collected from SGM 3 in Chassis 2. No other files exist in core_dump folder, which means that all the other SGM didn’t have any information to send.


Information about core dumps created by the system can be found in core_dump_global.txt.


asg_info [SGMs list] [-vs[<range>|all]] [-f] [-c] [-i] [-all] [-h] [-v]



[SGMs list]

List of SGMs, default: all up SGMs

Example: asg_info –a will attempt to collect information from all SGMs, including down SGMs

-vs [<range>|all]

VSX Mode only: Either all or a range.
Example of a range: 1-2,5,7-8


Collect and zip information files


Collect and zip cores


Collect and zip cpinfo


Collect and zip all above files - this operation may take several minutes


Display usage message


Display verbose output

Example: asg_info -c

asg_info -c
Collecting asg_info data to file
Starting processes in background :  100%                                   
Collecting processes output:        100%                                   
Collecting files from remote sgms : 100%                                   
Generating /var/log/asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.01.59.tar.gz...

Notes: This option collects relatively light-weight information. It should finish in a few minutes.

Example 2: asg_info -all

asg_info -all -v
Collecting asg_info data to file
Starting processes in background :  100%                                   

Collecting CP info...                                   
[ OK ]
Collecting ore dump...                                                  	
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG System Verbose Status...                      	
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG SGM Procces and State...      		                       
[ OK ]
Collecting VSX stat...                                           		
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG diag print...                                       		
[ OK ]
Collecting Policy Verification...                          		
[ OK ]
Collecting AMW Policy Verification...            		                    
[ OK ]
Collecting backup file...                                  		
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Tasks Status...                                     		
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG var logs...                                     		
[ OK ]
Collecting Interface Information + Performance...  		
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG HW Monitor...                                  		       
[ OK ]
Collecting SGMs serial numbers...                                    
[ OK ]
Collecting Hardware serial numbers...                                
[ OK ]
Collecting Versions Manager...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting DXL Statistics...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting DXL distribution matrix...                                
[ OK ]
Collecting Verify SSMs and DXL Distribution Signatures...            
[ OK ]
Collecting SNMP information...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Ifconfig Analyze Verbose Mode...                      
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG GRE Stat...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG GRE Verify...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting SGMs Cores Stats...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting Pingable Hosts Status...                                  
[ OK ]
Collecting Topology Interfaces...                                    
[ OK ]
Collecting Chassis Ports Link States...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Table: Check Alive...                      
[ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Table: Logical Requests...                 
[ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Table: Logical Servers...                  
[ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Table: Logical Servers List...             
[ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Table: Cache...                            
[ OK ]
Collecting Proxy Arp Entries in FW...                                
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stat information...                               
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats information...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats f2f information...                          
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats drop information...                         
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats multicast information...                    
[ OK ]
Collecting UIPC Status...                                            
[ OK ]
Collecting System Audited Operations Log...                          
[ OK ]
Collecting System Ports Log...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting Audit Log...                                              
[ OK ]
Collecting Multi-Queue For Vlan...                                   
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG smd logs...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting Sel info...                                               
[ OK ]
Collecting CMM(s) Status...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Attached SGMs...                                     
[ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Chassis Fans...                                      
[ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Chassis Power Supply Units...                        
[ OK ]
Collecting CMM: CPUs temperatures...                                 
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 1: LB Mode...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 2: LB Mode...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 1: distribution matrix...                             
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 2: distribution matrix...                             
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 1: overall throughput...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 2: overall throughput...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 1: ports status...                                    
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 2: ports status...                                    
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 1: SGMs MACs...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting SSM 2: SGMs MACs...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting Chassis PSU type...                                       
[ OK ]
Collecting Ccutil Logs...                                            
[ OK ]
Collecting Dist_mode Logs...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG If Error...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG If...                                                 
[ OK ]
Collecting Outputs to log messages...                                
[ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Configuration...                               
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance VSX Global...                             
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance...                                        
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Path Distribution Table VSX Global...                 
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Path Distribution Table...                            
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance VSX Global...                             
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance...                                        
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Peak Performance VSX Global...                        
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Peak Performance...                                   
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance IPv6...                                   
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Path Distribution Table IPv6...                       
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance IPv6...                                   
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Peak Performance IPv6...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting ASG Connections...                                        
[ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics Per Service...                
[ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics Per Service (verbose)...      
[ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics...                            
[ OK ]
Collecting SMO Statistics & Logs...                                  
[ OK ]
Collecting ARP Forwarding Statistics...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting VPN Forwarding Statistics...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting Last Iterator Statistics...                               
[ OK ]
Collecting Processes Affinity...                                     
[ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Affinity...                                    
[ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Affinity Interrupts...                         
[ OK ]
Collecting Time and Date...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting LV Info...                                                
[ OK ]
Collecting Disk Info...                                              
[ OK ]
Collecting Blade CPUs...                                             
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stat information...                               
[ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats information...                              
[ OK ]
Collecting Sync bond info...                                         
[ OK ]
Collecting CPU Info...                                               
[ OK ]
Collecting Mac Magic...                                              
[ OK ]
Collecting SUL Status...                                             
[ OK ]
Collecting CPU threshold...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting SUL Number of Samples...                                  
[ OK ]
Collecting Long Timeout...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting Short Timeout...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting Start Timeout...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting Configuration Database...                                 
[ OK ]
Collecting CP Schedular...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting Licences Log...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting PNOTE status...                                           
[ OK ]
Collecting Top Output...                                             
[ OK ]
Collecting Core dump files...                                        
[ OK ]
Collecting Core crash info...                                        
[ OK ]
Collecting FW statistics...                                          
[ OK ]
Collecting Uptime...                                                 
[ OK ]
Collecting inconsistent_routes files from SGMs...        
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting local.arp files from SGMs...                  
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting policy_backup files from SGMs...             
[ Copied: 4 Files ]
Collecting cpd_elg files from SGMs...                   
[ Copied: 8 Files ]
Collecting smd_smo files from SGMs...                    
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting mbs files from SGMs...                       
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting start_mbs files from SGMs...                 
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting chassis_conf files from SGMs...              
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting send_alert files from SGMs...               
[ Copied: 77 Files ]
Collecting anaconda files from SGMs...                   
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting fwd_elg files from SGMs...                   
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting fwk_elg files from SGMs...                   
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting bond_init_log files from SGMs...              
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting routed_conf files from SGMs...              
[ Copied: 35 Files ]
Collecting routed_log files from SGMs...                 
[ No Files Found ]
Collecting cpha_policy files from SGMs...               
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting blade_config files from SGMs...             
[ Copied: 97 Files ]
Collecting reboot_log files from SGMs...               
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting alert_conf files from SGMs...                
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting fw_kern_conf files from SGMs...              
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting simkern_conf files from SGMs...              
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting vsaffinity_exception files from SGMs...      
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting vsx_tmp_info files from SGMs...             
[ Copied: 61 Files ]
Collecting vsx_local_info files from SGMs...           
[ Copied: 56 Files ]
Collecting cp_info files from SGMs...                   
[ Copied: 5 Files ]
Collecting core_dump files from SGMs...                 
[ Copied: 7 Files ]
Collecting asg_peaks_history files from SGMs...      
[ Copied: 1012 Files ]
Collecting asg_peaks_history files from SGMs...      
[ Copied: 1067 Files ]
Generating /var/log/asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.02.19.tar.gz...
Operation finished successfully
File: asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.02.19.tar.gz is located at: /var/log

Notes: This command collects all available data. Its run time is relatively high and may exceed 10 minutes.

Example 3: asg_info -c

Notes This command collects core dump from the SGM if available

Example 4 asg_info –vs all –f

Notes : This option handles the collection of relatively light-weight information from all Virtual Systems. It should finish in a few minutes.

Example 5: asg_info –vs 1-2,5,7-8 –f

Notes: This option handles the collection of relatively light-weight information from Virtual Systems 1, 2, 5, 7,8. It should finish within few minutes.

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