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Working with Policies (asg policy)

Use the asg policy command to do these policy-related actions:




Make sure that the correct policies are installed on all SGMs.


Makes sure that the correct Anti-malware policies are installed on all SGMs.


Uninstall the policy from SGMs.


asg policy -h
asg policy verify|verify_mw [-vs <vs_ids>] [-a] [-vs] [-v]
asg policy unload [--disable_pnotes] [-a]




Show syntax and help information.

-vs <vs_ids>

Shows verification results for each Virtual System. The <vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.


Shows detailed verification results for SGMs in each Virtual System.


Run the verification on both up and down SGMs.

--disable pnotes

Lets SGMs stay in the Up state without an installed policy

Example - Detailed Virtual System Output

asg policy verify -vs all -v
|Policy Verification                                          |
|VS     |SGM    |Policy Name        |Policy Date    |Policy Signature |Status  |
|0      |1_01   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_03   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_04   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_05   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_06   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_11   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|       |1_12   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |996eee5e6        |Success |
|1      |1_01   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_03   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_04   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_05   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_06   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_11   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|       |1_12   |Standard           |27Nov12 13:03  |836fa2ec1        |Success |
|2      |1_01   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_03   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_04   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_05   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_06   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_11   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |
|       |1_12   |Standard           |26Nov12 21:11  |10eef9ced        |Success |

|Summary                                                                       |
|Policy Verification completed successfully                                    |

Example - Uninstall Policy

> asg policy unload
You are about to perform unload policy on blades: all
All SGMs will be in DOWN state, beside local SGM. It is recommended to run the procedure
via serial connection

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y

Unload policy requires auditing
Enter your full name: ploni
Enter reason for unload policy [Maintenance]:
WARNING: Unload policy on blades: all, User: ploni, Reason: Maintenance
|Unload policy                  |
|SGM            |Status         |
|1_3            |Success        |
|1_2            |Success        |
|1_1            |Success        |
|2_3            |Success        |
|2_2            |Success        |
|2_1            |Success        |

|Summary                                                                       |
|Unload policy completed successfully                                          |

Note - It is recommended to run this command over a serial connection.

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