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Configuring IPv6 Static Routes - CLI (set ipv6 static-route)

Use set ipv6 static-route to add, change, or delete IPv6 static routes.


> set ipv6 static-route <source_ip> nexthop gateway <gw_ip> [priority <p_val>] on|off [interface <gw_if> [priority <p_val>]] on
> set ipv6 static-route <source_ip> nexthop [<gw_ip>] blackhole|reject|off




Defines the next hop path.


Defines the source IPv6 IP and subnet.


Identifies the next hop gateway by its IP address.


Identifies the next hop gateway by the interface that connects to it. Use this option only if the next hop gateway has an unnumbered interface.


Assigns a path priority when there are many different paths. The available path with the lowest priority value is selected. The gateway with the lowest priority value is selected.


Identifies the next hop gateway by the interface that connects to it. Use this option only if the next hop gateway has an unnumbered interface.


Priority for a route or interface.

Valid values: Integers between 1 and 8

Default - 1


Enables the specified route or next hop.


Deletes the specified route or next hop.

If you specify a next hop, only the specified path is deleted. If no next hop is specified, the route and all related paths are deleted.


Drops packets, but does not send an error message.


Drops packets and sends an error message to the traffic source.

Note - There are no add or show commands for the static route feature.

Related Topics

CLI Procedures - IPv6 Static Routes

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