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Showing Chassis and Component State (asg stat)

Use this command to show the Chassis and hardware component state for single and dual Chassis configurations. The command shows system:

  • Up-time
  • CPU load: average and current
  • Concurrent connections
  • Health

Use Verbose mode to show SGM state, process and policy.


> asg stat [-v] [-vs <vs_ids>] [-l]

Note - If you run this command in a VSX context, the output is for the applicable Virtual System.




Show detailed Chassis status (verbose mode).

-vs <vs_ids>

Shows the Chassis status of Virtual Systems.

<vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.

For a Chassis with more than 3 SGMs, the output uses abbreviations to make the output more compact.


Show the meaning of the abbreviations in the output for a Chassis with more than 3 SGMs.

Related Topics

Chassis Status Summary

Chassis Status Details

Compact Output for Selected SGMs

Output Appreciations Legend

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